1. Pillars of the cold war: historic administration and support buildings, Los Alamos, New Mexico Historic buildings documentation for the department of energy conveyance and transfer project, volumes 1 and 2 Document(s) Author: Mcgehee, Ellen D ; Garcia, Kari L Number: LA-UR-10-03659 ; 2010
2. SM-43, nerve center of a national laboratory: a history of the Los Alamos adminstration building (1956-2006) Volume 1 Document(s) Author: Mcgehee, Ellen D ; Garcia, Kari L ; Machen, Judith Number: LA-UR-11-00922_v1 ; 2011
3. SM-43, nerve center of a national laboratory: a history of the Los Alamos adminstration building (1956-2006) Volume 2 Document(s) Author: Mcgehee, Ellen D ; Garcia, Kari L ; Machen, Judith Number: LA-UR-11-00922_v2 ; 2011