41. Investigation Work Plan for Potrillo and Fence Canyons Aggregate Area Plates Author: Mccann, John P Number: LA-UR-09-02342-Plates ; 2009
42. Investigation report for S-site aggregate area Appendix F-1 Appendix F-2 Appendix F-3 Appendix F-4 Appendix F-5 Appendix F-6 Appendix F-7 Author: Mccann, John P Number: LA-UR-10-05472-AppF ; 2010
43. Investigation report for S-site aggregate area Appendices Author: Mccann, John P Number: LA-UR-10-05472-Appendices ; 2010
44. Investigation report for Potrillo and Fence canyons aggregate area Author: Mccann, John P Number: LA-UR-11-02608-AppG ; 2011