1. Response to the ""Notice of disapproval, corrective measures evaluation report (CME) for material disposal area G, solid waste management unit 54-013(b)-99 at Technical area 54 Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) EPS ID No.NM0890010515 Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-08054 ; 2008
2. Pilot test report comparing packer and FLUTe vapor-sampling systems at MDA H Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-05872 ; 2008
3. Status Report for Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Conducted at SWMU 54-009(a) MDA G Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-05893 ; 2008
4. Pilot test report for evaluating soil-vapor extraction at material disposal area G Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-06883 ; 2008
5. Pilot test report for evaluating FLITe vapor-sampling systems in use at material disposal area G Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-05385 ; 2008
6. Pilot test report evaluating type 4 vapor-sampling systems at material disposal area G Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-05227 ; 2008
7. Corrective measures evaluation report for material disposal area (MDA) G, Consolidated Unit 54-013(b)-99, at Technical Area 54 Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-05871 ; 2008
8. Periodic monitoring report for vapor sampling activities at MDA L for second quarter YF08 Document(s) Author: Paris, Steven M Number: LA-UR-08-04761 ; 2008