1. HSWA PERMIT - Effective Date may 23, 1990 - New requirements effective date May 19, 1994 ; Transmittal of Hazardous Waste Permit for Los Alamos National Laboratory [NM890010515] Document(s) Author: Allyn M. Davis Number: PRR-REM-0114 ; 1994
2. Installation Work Plan for Environmental Restoration, Volume II Document(s) Author: Department of Energy Number: ESHID-603547 ; 1994
3. Fast-Turnaround RCRA Site Characterization of Former TA-42 at Los Alamos National Laboratory Document(s) Author: Allyn Pratt, EES-13 Number: ESHID-603549 ; 1994
4. RCRA Field Investigation, Operable Unit 1130, TA-36, Site Specific Waste Management Plan Document(s) Author: Gene Gould Number: ESHID-603548 ; 1994