1. RFI Report for PRSs 9-002 and 9-011(b) Document(s) Author: Julie A. Canepa Number: EM_ER_98-315 ; 1998
2. Sampling and Analysis Plan for Upper Sandia Canyon (Former Field Unit 1, OU 1049) Document(s) Author: Julie Canepa Number: ESHID-603327 ; 1998
3. Recommendation for NFA for the Satellite Accumulation Areas: PRSs 40-007(a), 40-007(b), 40-007(c), 40-007(e), 39-002(d); 39-002(e), and 39-002(f) to Fulfill PM for Functional Area A.1. Document(s) Author: Julie Canepa Number: ESHID-603546 ; 1998
4. Review of Draft MDA Core Document Document(s) Author: Julie Canepa, ER Number: ESHID-603550 ; 1998