1. Pillars of the cold war: historic administration and support buildings, Los Alamos, New Mexico Historic buildings documentation for the department of energy conveyance and transfer project, volumes 1 and 2 Document(s) Author: Mcgehee, Ellen D ; Garcia, Kari L Number: LA-UR-10-03659 ; 2010
2. Phase II investigation report for material disposal area T Document(s) Author: Wedgeworth, Bruce S Number: LA-UR-07-07692 ; 2007
3. Emissions inventory report summary for Los Alamos National Laboratory for calendar year 2005 Document(s) Author: Whetham, Walt Number: LA-14309-SR ; 2006
4. From ranching to radiography: as assessment of historic buildings at anchor west site (TA-8) Document(s) Author: Mcgehee, Ellen D ; Garcia, Kari L M ; Mccarthy, Sheila ; Loomis, Erik ; Towery, Ken R ; et al. Number: LA-UR-08-05335 ; 2008
5. Phase II investigation work plan for middle Los Alamos canyon aggregate area, revision 1 Document(s) Author: Coel-roback, Rebecca J Number: LA-UR-09-01206 ; 2009
6. Investigation Report For Bayo Canyon Aggregate Area, Revision 1. Appendix C. 2007 Investigation Geodetic Survey Coordinates and Borehole Logs Document(s) Author: Coel-Roback, Rebecca J Number: LA-UR-08-03202-AppC ; 2008
7. Technical area 21 subsurface vapor moisture monitoring plan for tritium Document(s) Author: Rager, Ron E. Number: LA-UR-08-03818 ; 2008
8. Environmental surveillance at Los Alamos during 2007 Document(s) Author: Morgan, Terry ; Mcnaughton, Mike ; Eberhart, Craig ; Johnson, Scot ; Fuehne, Dave ; et al. Number: LA-14369-ENV ; 2008
9. Phase II investigation work plan for middle Los Alamos canyon aggregate area Document(s) Author: Coel-roback, Rebecca J Number: LA-UR-08-07154 ; 2008
10. Emissions inventory report summary for Los Alamos National Laboratory for calendar year 2011 Document(s) Author: Whetham, Walt Number: LA-14465-PR ; 2013